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Jenkins: APIF-Auto and GitHub

Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container). To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) see API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.

APIF-Auto, a command line tool that supports automated API Fortress test execution is an ideal tool for executing API Fortress tests in a Jenkins workflow.

The pipeline script below serves as a template for creating stages in your Jenkins Pipeline for testing your APIs with API Fortress' tests that are stored in Github. If you’d like to take a look at the documentation for APIF-Auto, click here.

NOTE: It’s important to note that this is an example of a Jenkinsfile (Jenkins Pipeline). Experienced Jenkins users are free to configure their workflow as best suits their needs.

node {
def mvnHome
stage('Preparation') {
git ''
stage('Build') {

stage('API Fortress'){
sh 'python /var/jenkins\_home/apif-auto/ jenkins\_project -r -p testing/apifortress'
sh 'mkdir -p target/apifortress'
sh 'python /var/jenkins\_home/apif-auto/ run-all jenkins\_project -S -f junit -o target/apifortress/junit.xml'
stage('Results') {
junit '\*\*/target/apifortress/junit.xml'

Let's break down what's happening in the script above:

  • First, we have the "Preparation" stage, this is where we will define the Github repository where we have the tests stored.
  • Next, we have the "API Fortress" stage, where a few things are happening:
    • sh 'python /var/jenkins_home/apif-auto/ jenkins_project -r -p testing/apifortress' This is the command that will pull the tests from the Github repository we defined in the first step and push them into the API Fortress project "jenkins_project" using the tool.
    • sh 'mkdir -p target/apifortress' This is the command that will create a directory to store the results from our API Fortress test executions. Remember the -p flag! It’ll keep the pipeline from overwriting the directory if it already exists in the future.
    • sh 'python /var/jenkins_home/apif-auto/ run-all jenkins_project -S -f junit -o target/apifortress/junit.xml' This is the command that will execute all the tests we pushed into the "jenkins_project" using the tool and store the returned junit test results into the directory we created in the previous step.
  • Finally, we have the "Results" stage, where we evaluate the junit results to see if the test passed or failed.

By using the above workflow, we have a modular method of running API Fortress tests stored in Github in authenticated mode in our Jenkins pipeline.