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Bloodhound: RabbitMQ Module

Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container). To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) see API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.

The module implements an actor that connects to RabbitMQ and publishes the JSON-marshaled API conversation to a RabbitMQ exchange.



Connects to RabbitMQ and publishes the JSON-marshaled API conversation to a RabbitMQ exchange.

class: com.apifortress.afthem.modules.rabbitmq.actors.sidecars.serializers.RabbitSerializerActor


General serializer settings:

  • disable_on_header: if the provided header is present in the request, then the conversation will skip serialization
  • enable_on_header: if the provided header is present in the request, then the conversation will be serialized
  • discard_request_headers: list of request headers that should not appear in the serialized conversation
  • discard_response_headers: list of response headers that should not appear in the serialized conversation
  • allow_content_types: full or partial response content types which make the request eligible for serialization. If the list is null or empty, all content types will be accepted

RabbitMQ settings:

  • uri: a RabbitMQ URI, as in amqp://username:password@host/virtualHost
  • exchange: the ID of the RabbitMQ exchange
  • routing_key: the routing key to be applied to the message (empty string is the default)
  • ttl: time-to-live in milliseconds of the message. default: -1, no ttl