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POST: Multipart Upload

Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container). To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress — now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) — see API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.

The following instructions are to show how to make a POST call with an entire file included in the data.

On-Premises Only!
  • This feature is only available on-premises as of API Fortress version 20.2.0.
  • This feature also requires that you update the remotedownloadagent to the latest version as well.

Mounting a Volume

For multipart, API Fortress will look for files in the /data directory, so you'll have to mount a volume to the /data directory. For example, if you're using docker-compose, it's done like this:

  • Navigate to the /core/ directory.

  • Stop apifortress by issuing the following command:

    sudo docker-compose stop apifortress
  • Open the docker-compose.yml file.

  • There is a section labeled “#APIFORTRESS DASHBOARD”, at the bottom of this section there will be a volumes section.

  • Here you will see # - ./data:/data you can uncomment this line by getting rid of the #

  • This will create a folder called data in the /core/ directory.

- ./tomcat_conf/conf:/usr/local/tomcat/conf
# - ./bin:/usr/local/tomcat/bin
- ./data:/data
  • Now start the apifortress service again by issuing the following command:

    sudo docker-compose up -d apifortress

Make a Multipart POST Call

Now that we have a directory mounted we can make the POST call using a file from the /data/ folder.

  • You can add a “post parameter” to your POST call to load the file into.
  • Give the post parameter a name and craft the value using the following notation: @file:filename.extension.
  • If the name matches a file in the /data/ directory, then the whole form becomes a form-data type, and the file will be uploaded as a multipart.