Flow (Pause or Stop a Test)
Legacy Documentation
You're viewing legacy documentation for API Fortress (deployed via an on-premises container). To view documentation for the new SaaS version of API Fortress — now known as Sauce Labs API Testing and Monitoring (with Sauce Connect tunnels) — see API Testing on the Sauce Labs Cloud.
This component allows you to pause or stop a test entirely.
Name | Type/Value | Required |
Command | 'stop', 'wait' | Yes |
Value (depends on 'Command = wait') | Number | Yes |
Command: This parameter defines the action you want to take. 'Stop' will stop the test. 'Wait' will pause the test for a number of milliseconds defined in the 'Value' parameter.
Value: The number of milliseconds you want to pause the test for.
This component is especially useful when combined with the "If" component. See the examples below:

If the statusCode is not 200
, the test will be halt; none of the remaining assertions will be checked.

In this example, the test will wait 1000 milliseconds before performing the GET