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Sc Run

Usage: sc run --username <username> --access-key <UUID> --region <data center> --tunnel-name <value> [flags]

Run Sauce Connect Proxy

Note: You can also specify the options as YAML, JSON or TOML file using --config-file flag. You can generate a config file by running sc run config-file command.


-k, --access-key

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
  • Value Format: <UUID>

Sauce Labs Access Key, you can get it from the User Settings page. For additional security, we recommend setting this as an environment variable.

-r, --region

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_REGION
  • Value Format: <data center>

Sauce Labs region name, ex. us-west or eu-central. More details here.

-i, --tunnel-name

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_TUNNEL_NAME
  • Value Format: <name>

Name of the tunnel or tunnel pool. You can run tests using this tunnel by specifying the tunnelName value in your test capabilities, see here. It can also assign a name to a group of tunnels in the same high availability pool, see here.

-u, --username

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_USERNAME
  • Value Format: <username>

Sauce Labs username. For additional security, we recommend setting this as an environment variable.


-M, --metadata

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_METADATA
  • Value Format: <key=value>,...

Custom metadata key-value pairs. This flag is, primarily, used by Sauce Labs to assign custom properties to the tunnel for reporting purposes.

-s, --shared

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_SHARED
  • Value Format: <all>

Share the tunnel within the same org unit. Only the 'all' option is currently supported. See here.

-t, --tunnel-pool

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_TUNNEL_POOL
  • Value Format: <value>
  • Default value: false

Denotes a tunnel as part of a high availability tunnel pool. See here.

Tunnel traffic

-F, --deny-domains

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_DENY_DOMAINS
  • Value Format: [-]<regexp>,...

Deny requests to the matching domains. Prefix domains with '-' to exclude requests from being denied. Special keyword 'all' matches all domains.

The following example denies requests to * and *

--deny-domains .*\.example\.com,.*\.google\.com

-D, --direct-domains

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_DIRECT_DOMAINS
  • Value Format: [-]<regexp>,...

Forward matching requests to their origin server over the public internet. Requests that don't match "direct domains" will be forwarded to customer-side over the Sauce Connect Proxy connection. You can specify --direct-domains or --tunnel-domains, but not both. Prefix domains with '-' to exclude requests from being forwarded directly. Note that direct domains are automatically excluded from being resigned. Special keyword 'all' matches all domains.

The following example sends requests to * and * directly. It would tunnel all other domains.

--direct-domains .*\.example\.com,.*\.google\.com

-B, --tls-passthrough-domains

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_TLS_PASSTHROUGH_DOMAINS
  • Value Format: [-]<regexp>,...

Pass matching requests to their origin server without SSL/TLS re-encryption. Requests that don't match will be re-encrypted. You can specify --tls-passthrough-domains or --tls-resign-domains, but not both. Prefix domains with '-' to exclude requests from being passed through. Note that direct domains will always be passed through. Special keyword 'all' matches all domains.

The following example passes requests to * and * through without SSL/TLS re-encryption.

--tls-passthrough-domains .*\.example\.com,.*\.google\.com

-b, --tls-resign-domains

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_TLS_RESIGN_DOMAINS
  • Value Format: [-]<regexp>,...

Resign SSL/TLS certificates for matching requests. You can specify --tls-resign-domains or --tls-passthrough-domains, but not both. Prefix domains with '-' to exclude requests from being resigned. Note that direct domains will never be resigned. Special keyword 'all' matches all domains.

The following example resigns SSL/TLS certificates for all requests to *, except

--tls-resign-domains .*\.myorg\.dev,-abc\.myorg\.dev

-T, --tunnel-domains

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_TUNNEL_DOMAINS
  • Value Format: [-]<regexp>,...

Forward matching requests over the Sauce Connect Proxy connection. Requests not matching "tunnel domains" will be forwarded to their origin server over the public internet. This is the recommended option for the best performance since it minimizes the expensive tunnelled traffic and uses it only for internal domains that are not publicly available. You can specify --tunnel-domains or --direct-domains, but not both. Prefix domains with '-' to exclude requests from being forwarded over the SC Proxy connection. Special keyword 'all' matches all domains.

The following example tunnels all requests to *, except

--tunnel-domains .*\.myorg\.dev,-abc\.myorg\.com


-a, --auth

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_AUTH
  • Value Format: <username[:password]@host:port,...>

Site or upstream proxy basic authentication credentials. The host and port can be set to "*" to match all hosts and ports respectively. The flag can be specified multiple times to add multiple credentials. Note that all the hosts are automatically resigned as if they were passed to --tls-resign-domains flag.


--proxy --proxy-sauce --auth,*
  • Environment variable: SAUCE_HEADER
  • Value Format: <header>

Add or remove HTTP request headers.

Use the format:

  • name:value to add a header
  • name; to set the header to empty value
  • -name to remove the header
  • -name* to remove headers by prefix

The header name will be normalized to canonical form. The header value should not contain any newlines or carriage returns. The flag can be specified multiple times. The following example removes the User-Agent header and all headers starting with X-.

-H "-User-Agent" -H "-X-*"

-p, --pac

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_PAC
  • Value Format: <path or URL>

Proxy Auto-Configuration file to use for upstream proxy selection.


  • File: /path/to/file.pac
  • URL:
  • Embed: data:base64,<base64 encoded data>
  • Stdin: -

-x, --proxy

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_PROXY
  • Value Format: <[protocol://]host:port>

Upstream proxy for test sessions. It is used for requests received from the Sauce Connect Server only. The supported protocols are: http, https, socks5. No protocol specified will be interpreted as an HTTP proxy. The basic authentication username and password can be specified in the host string, e.g. user:pass@host:port. Alternatively, you can specify the credentials using the -a, --auth flag.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_PROXY_LOCALHOST
  • Value Format: <allow|deny|direct>
  • Default value: deny

Setting this to allow enables sending requests to localhost through the upstream proxy. Setting this to direct sends requests to localhost directly without using the upstream proxy. By default, requests to localhost are denied.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_PROXY_SAUCE
  • Value Format: <[protocol://]host:port>

Establish a tunnel through an upstream proxy. Proxy for requests to Sauce Labs REST API and Sauce Connect servers only. See the -x, --proxy flag for more details on the format.



  • Environment variable: SAUCE_DNS_ROUND_ROBIN
  • Value Format: <value>
  • Default value: false

If more than one DNS server is specified with the --dns-server flag, passing this flag will enable round-robin selection.

-n, --dns-server

  • Environment variable: SAUCE_DNS_SERVER
  • Value Format: <ip>[:<port>]

DNS server(s) to use instead of system default. There are two execution policies, when more then one server is specified. Fallback: the first server in a list is used as primary, the rest are used as fallbacks. Round robin: the servers are used in a round-robin fashion. The port is optional, if not specified the default port is 53.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_DNS_TIMEOUT
  • Value Format: <duration>
  • Default value: 5s

Timeout for dialing DNS servers. Only used if DNS servers are specified.

HTTP client


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_CACERT_FILE
  • Value Format: <path or base64>

Add your own CA certificates to verify against. The system root certificates will be used in addition to any certificates in this list. Use this flag multiple times to specify multiple CA certificate files.


  • File: /path/to/file.pac
  • Embed: data:base64,<base64 encoded data>


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_HTTP_DIAL_TIMEOUT
  • Value Format: <duration>
  • Default value: 30s

The maximum amount of time a dial will wait for a connect to complete. With or without a timeout, the operating system may impose its own earlier timeout. For instance, TCP timeouts are often around 3 minutes.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_HTTP_IDLE_CONN_TIMEOUT
  • Value Format: <duration>
  • Default value: 1m30s

The maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself. Zero means no limit.


  • Value Format: <duration>
  • Default value: 0s

The amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing the request (including its body, if any).This time does not include the time to read the response body. Zero means no limit.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_HTTP_TLS_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT
  • Value Format: <duration>
  • Default value: 10s

The maximum amount of time waiting to wait for a TLS handshake. Zero means no limit.

API server


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_API_ADDRESS
  • Value Format: <host:port>

The server address to listen on. If the host is empty, the server will listen on all available interfaces.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_API_BASIC_AUTH
  • Value Format: <username[:password]>

Basic authentication credentials to protect the server.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_API_IDLE_TIMEOUT
  • Value Format: <duration>
  • Default value: 1h0m0s

The maximum amount of time to wait for the next request before closing connection.



  • Environment variable: SAUCE_LOG_FILE
  • Value Format: <path>

Path to the log file, if empty, logs to stdout.


  • Environment variable: SAUCE_LOG_HTTP
  • Value Format: [api|proxy|control:]<none|short-url|url|headers|body|errors>,...
  • Default value: none

HTTP request and response logging mode.


  • none: no logging
  • short-url: logs [scheme://]host[/path] instead of the full URL
  • url: logs the full URL including query parameters
  • headers: logs request line and headers
  • body: logs request line, headers, and body
  • errors: logs request line and headers if status code is greater than or equal to 500

Modes for different modules can be specified separated by commas. The following example specifies that the API module logs errors, the proxy module logs headers, and anything else logs full URL.



  • Environment variable: SAUCE_LOG_LEVEL
  • Value Format: <error|info|debug>
  • Default value: info

Log level.

Formatting Domains

Here are some guidelines to follow when formatting domain regular expressions:

  • Use only the domain name. Do not precede it with http: or https:.
    • Example: mydomain\.com
  • Make sure your comma-separated list of domains doesn't include any spaces.
    • Example, mydomain\.com,,mysite\.com
  • Domains flags can be repeated multiple times
    • Example, --direct-domains mydomain\.com,saucelabs\.com --direct-domains mysite\.com
  • Prefix domain names with .* to match all its subdomains.
    • Example: You could refer to docs\.saucelabs\.com and my\.saucelabs\.com as .*saucelabs\.com.
  • Escape special characters, such as . to ensure they are not parsed
    • Not escaping dot character doesn't result in error, dot matches every single character except a newline. For example, will match and also examplescom, while example\.com will match only.

Additional Resources