Sharing Test Results
The ability to share test results is currently only supported for virtual devices (VDC).
Once your test has run and generated a Test Details page, you have several options for sharing a link to that page with others.
- On Sauce Labs, in the left panel, click Live or Automaed, and then click Test Results.
- On the Test Results page, click a test in the list to view the test details.
- In the Visibility dropdown list, select a sharing option for the test results.
Option | Explanation |
Public | Everyone will be able to view the test results, and they may be listed on public web pages and indexed by search engines. |
Public Restricted | Everyone will be able to view the test results, but only you will have log access. By restricting access to the raw Selenium log and the job log, you can prevent sensitive information, such as passwords, from being visible to others. |
Private | Only you will be able to view the test results. |
Team | All members of your team will be able to view the test results. |
Share | Only people who have the link to the test will be able to view the test results. |
You can also manually build links to Test Results pages and set authentication for accessing them using the methods described in Building Sharable Links to Test Results. To manually share the test results, copy and send the URL of the Test Results page.
Building Sharable Links
You can generate a sharable link to your test results that limits who can view the results by requiring a login or authentication (auth) token. These links will allow recipients to view the results of that test, but they will not appear on their dashboard.
You can also change the visibility of a test (e.g., Public, Private, or Team) directly on the Test Results page.
When generating a shareable link, you'll need to know your specific data center. All examples on this page use the US West 1 data center endpoint, If you're using a different data center, such as EU Central 1, your link should be edited accordingly:
This solution is not supported for RDC.
See Data Center Endpoints for more information.
Linking to Tests that Require a Login to View
You can create links to your tests that will only work if you're logged in with the account that ran the test.
In Selenium, when a client requests a new browser session, the server returns a session ID, which is used to identify that session throughout the test. The session ID is stored as a member variable of the instantiated Selenium object and named sessionId or session_id, depending on the client library. Sauce uses that session ID as the test ID for accessing test results.
To directly access a specific job, you will first need to note the session ID locally, usually by writing it to a log file. You can then use it to create a URL with the following format and replace YOUR_TEST_ID
with the session ID:
As previously mentioned, all examples on this page use the US West 1 data center endpoint. If you're using a different data center, such as EU Central 1, your link should be edited accordingly:
See Data Center Endpoints for more info.
Linking to Tests that Don't Require a Login to View
You can also create sharable links that are based on authentication (auth) tokens, meaning the recipient won't have to log in and use your credentials.
Auth tokens are generated on a per-test basis and grant viewers access using an hmac-based algorithm. You can also find hmac implementations for different programming languages.
The digest algorithm to use is MD5. The message and key used to generate the token should be the following:
- Key:
- Message:
Example - Python
The example below demonstrates how to generate the token in a Python interpreter for a test with the id
: 5f9fef27854ca50a3c132ce331cb6034
>>> import hmac
>>> from hashlib import md5
>>>"SAUCE_USERNAME:SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY", b"5f9fef27854ca50a3c132ce331cb6034", md5).hexdigest()
Once the auth token has been obtained, you can use it to build a link in this format:
Example - Java
package com.saucelabs.demo;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;
public class SauceShareableLink {
private static final String SAUCE_USERNAME = System.getenv("SAUCE_USERNAME");
private static final String SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY = System.getenv("SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY");
private static final String KEY = String.format("%s:%s", SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY);
private static final String SAUCE_TESTS_URL = "";
public static String getShareableLink(String sauceJobId) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException {
SecretKeySpec sks = new SecretKeySpec(KEY.getBytes(US_ASCII), "HmacMD5");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacMD5");
byte[] result = mac.doFinal(sauceJobId.getBytes(US_ASCII));
StringBuilder hash = new StringBuilder();
for (byte b : result) {
String hex = Integer.toHexString(0xFF & b);
if (hex.length() == 1) {
String digest = hash.toString();
return String.format("%s/%s?auth=%s", SAUCE_TESTS_URL, sauceJobId, digest);
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String sauceJobId = "c5eb67f00e124ba0a46f2b7869bd418c";
String shareableLink = SauceShareableLink.getShareableLink(sauceJobId);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeyException e) {
// Handle appropriately according to your use case
Example - Node.js
const crypto = require('crypto')
const sessionId = 'f65a1ee87a77410189aba40f48ac1223'
const addDate = process.argv.includes('addDate')
const date = new Date()
const addedDays = date.setDate(date.getDate())
const newDate = new Date(addedDays).toISOString().slice(0, 10)
const dateSecret = addDate ? `:${newDate}` : ''
const secret = `${process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME}:${process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY}${dateSecret}`
const token = crypto.createHmac('md5', secret).update(sessionId).digest('hex')
const usUrl = `${sessionId}?auth=${token}`
const euUrl = `${sessionId}?auth=${token}`
console.log('usUrl = ', usUrl)
console.log('euUrl = ', euUrl)
Example - C#
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace SauceLabsShareableLink
class Program
private static string SAUCE_USERNAME = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAUCE_USERNAME");
private static string SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY");
private static string KEY = string.Format("{0}:{1}", SAUCE_USERNAME, SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY);
private static string SAUCE_TESTS_URL = "";
static void Main(string[] args)
string sauceJobId = "c5eb67f00e124ba0a46f2b7869bd418c";
string shareableLink = GetShareableLink(sauceJobId);
public static string GetShareableLink(string sauceJobId)
var data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sauceJobId);
var key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(KEY);
var hmac = new HMACMD5(key);
var hashBytes = hmac.ComputeHash(data);
string digest = BitConverter.ToString(hashBytes).Replace("-", "").ToLower();
string link = string.Format("{0}/{1}?auth={2}", SAUCE_TESTS_URL, sauceJobId, digest);
return link;
Example - Ruby
require 'openssl'
job_id = '1409ca8f0c2a4461a3d2c91f671f7bef'
auth = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest("md5", key, job_id)
url = "{job_id}?auth=#{auth}"
Support for Secondary Accounts
If you want to authenticate as another user, just prefix the auth token with your user name, followed by a colon.
For example:
Setting Your Test Links to Expire
You can extend the links generated with authentication tokens to make them work temporarily for one day (the day the URL is generated) or a specific hour during that day, based on the parameters that you set.
During the hmac
generation, set the key like this: SAUCE_USERNAME
The date range can take two formats: YYYY-MM-DD-HH
. These should be set in UTC time and will only work during the date or hour you set.
Embedding Test Results in HTML Pages
Authentication Required
Both of these configurations will only work for browsers logged in using your account, but you can use authentication tokens to make this work for anonymous viewers. For more information about creating authentication tokens, see Linking to Tests that Don't Require a Login to View.
Embedding Pages for EU DC
To embed the page for EU DC test, you need to use the
Embedding Full Test Pages
You can embed test pages in CI test results or other test reports. Using the following format, add the HTML to any page where you need to embed test results, replacing YOUR_JOB_ID with the ID of the job you want:
Embedding the Video Player
You can also embed videos in CI test results or other test reports. Using the format below, add the HTML to any page where you want to embed job videos, replacing YOUR_JOB_ID with the ID of the job you want:
Optional Parameters
By default, an embedded test iframe has a width of 1024px and a height of 768px. If you want to change the iframe size, use the "width" and "height" query parameters.
For example: