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saucectl configure

Generate a credentials file with your Sauce Labs Username and Access Key.


$ saucectl configure [OPTIONS]

Extended Description

Your Sauce Labs username and accessKey are required to post your test results to the Sauce Labs platform. These values are available on your User Settings page.

The saucectl configure command prompts you to provide your Sauce Labs credentials for the purpose of generating a credentials.yml file that saucectl can access to automatically authenticate commands without requiring manual authentication. The credentials.yml file is created in a $HOME/.sauce folder (or %USERPROFILE%\.sauce on Windows). If a user's home directory is not defined, the credentials are instead saved in your saucectl project root.

You can run the configure command without flags, invoking it to prompt you for your credential values, or you can supply the values inline using the username and access key flags.

Environment Variables Prioritized

If you have set your credentials as environment variables, saucectl will apply those values before it looks for the credentials.yml file. This is important to note because, if you want to run tests under a different account, and you edit your credentials file, but not your environment variables, the authentication account will be unchanged.

Protect your Credentials

Whether you are using environment variables or a credentials file, make sure your authentication data is protected. Use secrets or context variables to mask your environment variables, or add credentials.yml to your gitignore file to ensure your credentials are not exposed in your commits.

Options Details



The authentication access key associated with the Sauce Labs user account making this request. If you have not set your authentication credentials as environment parameters or generated a credentials.yml file, this value is required.Shorthand: -a



A valid Sauce Labs user account. If you have not set your authentication credentials as environment parameters or generated a credentials.yml file, this value is required.Shorthand: -u


Interactive Example

$ saucectl configure
Don't have an account? Signup here:

Already have an account? Get your username and access key here:

? SauceLabs username
? SauceLabs access key 2a4a9x11-56b7-4d83-8f6o-b601bg67555e

You're all set!

Inline Example

$ saucectl configure -u -a 2a4a9x11-56b7-4d83-8f6o-b601bg67555e
You're all set!