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Sauce Visual Testing FAQ

Is Sauce Visual's image comparison pixel-based or DOM-based?

The current implementation is Pixel-based by default, while DOM-based diffing can be turned on by setting the flag captureDom to true. Read more in our integration guides.

Does Sauce Visual support "ignore regions"?

Yes, "ignore regions" are supported. Currently, you can define these regions in code by specifying the locator of a Web Element or by setting the coordinates of a rectangle.

  // This rectangular area would be ignored, no  pixel
// changes will be diffed in this zone.
IgnoreRegion ignoreRegion = new IgnoreRegion(200,200,100,100);

Can I integrate this into CI/CD testing?

Yes, Sauce Visual is 100% API-based and natively utilizes the same tools as the rest of the Sauce product line. When integrating Visual testing into your scripts, you can execute them just like any other scripts.

What languages/frameworks will be supported at launch?

Sauce Visual will support the following languages/frameworks at launch: Selenium/Appium/Cypress, WebDriverIO, Java JUnit/TestNG, and JavaScript. You can find examples of some of these at

What subsequent languages/frameworks will be supported?

Support for additional languages/frameworks will be determined based on demand. Frameworks like Playwright, TestCafe, XCUIT, Espresso, etc., are currently under consideration. Contributions are encouraged. Check out the examples project. If you create your own public library or binding, feel free to add another example to that project.

When will it support "my favorite framework"?

The support for any framework depends on the client-side implementation using the underlying API. If you require an SDK, submit a new idea at Productboard.

How to use Sauce Visual behind a Proxy?

When using Sauce Visual, the client libraries need to connect with Sauce Labs APIs. This connection is essential for uploading snapshots of your application and performing visual difference analysis. If your computer is set up to access the internet through a proxy, you will need to go through the setup described below. This setup is required to ensure that Sauce Visual can communicate with Sauce Labs APIs through your proxy.

Setting up the proxy for Sauce Visual

  1. Identify your proxy URL: This URL is typically provided by your organization's IT department. It could look like one of these examples:

    • (if authentication is required)
    • socks:// (for SOCKS proxy)
  2. Configure the environment HTTPS_PROXY variable:

    • On Windows:

      • Open the Start Search, type in "env", and choose "Edit the system environment variables".
      • In the System Properties window, click the "Environment Variables..." button.
      • Under "System variables", click "New..." to create a new variable.
      • Enter HTTPS_PROXY as the variable name and your proxy URL as the value.
      • Click OK to save and exit.
    • On macOS/Linux:

      • Open a terminal.

      • Use the export command to set the variable. For example:

        export HTTPS_PROXY=http://myorgproxy:3128
      • To make this change permanent, add the export command to your shell's profile script (e.g., .bash_profile or .bashrc).

NOTE: For WebdriverIO, make sure to check proxy settings described in the official WebdriverIO documentation.
  1. Run your Sauce Visual job: After setting the HTTPS_PROXY variable, you can proceed to run your Sauce Visual tests as usual.