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Downloading Sauce Connect Proxy

Sauce Connect Proxy 5 is released

Please refer to Sauce Connect Proxy 5 Installation Guide for the most recent Sauce Connect Proxy 5 installation instructions.

This topic describes where and how to download Sauce Connect Proxy to your local machine.

What You’ll Need

Always use the latest version

If applicable, delete any previous Sauce Connect versions you have. Using older versions may impact your ability to launch a tunnel or cause other technical issues.

Downloading Sauce Connect Proxy

  1. Download the latest Sauce Connect Proxy client to your local machine by clicking the link below corresponding to your OS.
PlatformDownload URLSHA1 Checksum
Linux ARM64

MacOS is not supported in version 4.9.2.

  1. Extract the contents of the *.zip download to your local machine. We recommend saving the Sauce Connect Proxy folder to your home directory.
What's in the folder?

Sauce Connect folder contents

$ tree sc-4.9.2-linux/
├── bin
│   └── sc
├── config_examples
│   ├── config.yml
│   └── systemd
│   ├──
│   ├── sc.service
│   └── sc@.service
└── license.html
sc (Linux/macOS) or sc.exe (Windows)Sauce Connect Proxy client executable file.
config.ymlSample YAML configuration file.
sc.service, sc@.serviceSample files intended for use with the systemd service manager, an alternative way to start and stop Sauce Connect Proxy tunnels. Consult the for more information.
  1. If you're using Linux, you'll need to add Sauce Connect to your system PATH:
cd $HOME
curl -LO
tar xvf ./sc-4.9.2-linux.tar.gz
export PATH="$HOME/sc-4.9.2-linux/bin:$PATH"

Using Sauce Connect in Docker

As an alternative to downloading the client, you can use the Sauce Connect Proxy Docker image to run it in a Docker container. To learn more, see Sauce Connect Docker Container Setup.

More Information