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Run Sauce Connect in Kubernetes

Kubernetes, an industry-standard environment for management of containerized applications, may be used for the automation of much of the operational effort required to run Sauce Connect Proxy. This article provides documentation for running Sauce Connect Proxy in Kubernetes.

Helm Chart

If you need a Sauce Connect Proxy to stay up indefinitely, we recommend using a Helm chart to manage your Sauce Connect Proxy instance or pool. The Sauce Connect 5 Helm chart is available at the Sauce Labs Helm Charts Registry. The chart may be used as is, or adapted to your needs.


To use the chart, you must have a Kubernetes cluster running and Helm installed.

Define a required values file

Example values.yaml:

# You can use and sc run command option here. Check the CLI reference for more information.
region: us-west
username: johndoe
access-key: "xxx-xxx-xxx"
tunnel-name: "my-k8s-tunnel"

# To run a tunnel pool, set the `tunnelPoolSize` value to the desired number of tunnels in the pool.
#tunnelPoolSize: 2

# Adjust the time for jobs using the Sauce Connect Proxy to finish when the pod is terminated.
# By default, the terminationGracePeriodSeconds is set to 600 seconds.
#terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600

For more information about the config values, see the sc run command reference.

Install the Helm chart

helm repo add saucelabs
helm install sauce-connect saucelabs/sauce-connect --values /path/to/values.yaml --set config.tunnel-name=your-pool-name --set tunnelPoolSize=2

Application logs

Use the following commands in order to get the application logs:

kubectl logs -l "" --tail -1 -f

The output should look like this:

2023/10/04 17:19:53 [tunnel] [INFO] established connection to Sauce Connect server active=1/2
2023/10/04 17:19:54 [tunnel] [INFO] established connection to Sauce Connect server active=2/2
2023/10/04 17:19:54 [control] [INFO] Sauce Connect is up, you may start your tests