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Viewing and Exporting Usage Data

Enterprise Plans only

If you're the owner of the overall Sauce Labs account, you can view usage information for all accounts on the Organization Management page. If you're an individual user, you can view your usage information on the My Account page.

Usage Data - USERS Tab

The USERS tab on the Organization Management page provides the following information for each user:

Last VM TestThe date and time of the last VM test run by the user.
VM Tests (last 30 days)The total number of tests run by that user in the previous 30 days.
Usage data - USERS tab

Click a user name in the list to view the following information on the User Details page:

Peak VM ConcurrencyThe highest number of concurrent tests run during a single session on a virtual machine, including web browser, emulator, and simulator tests, in the previous 28 days.
VM Tests by DayThe number of tests run by that user in each of the previous 28 days.
Usage data - User Details tab

Usage Data - TEAMS Tab

The TEAMS tab on the Organization Management page provides the following information for each team:

Last VM TestThe date and time of the last VM test run by the user.
VM Tests (last 30 days)The total number of tests run by that user in the previous 30 days.
Team VM ConcurrencyThe concurrency set for the team.
Peak VM ConcurrencyThe highest number of concurrent tests run during a single session on a virtual machine, including web browser, emulator, and simulator tests, in the previous 28 days.
Tests (Last 28 Days)The number of tests run by the team in the last 28 days.
Usage data - TEAMS tab

Usage Data - Team Details

Click a team name in the TEAMS list to view the following information on the Team Details page:

Peak VM ConcurrencyThe highest number of concurrent tests run during a single session on a virtual machine, including web browser, emulator, and simulator tests, in the previous 28 days.
VM Tests by DayThe number of tests run by the team in each of the previous 28 days.
Usage data - Team Details

USAGE Widget

The USAGE widget provides a quick look at the device usage, by test session, for your team and organization.

USAGE widget

Minutes Used vs. Concurrency

One way to tell if you're getting the most efficient use out of your Sauce Labs plan is to compare the minutes used with the number of concurrent tests run during the same period. If the ratio of minutes to concurrency is low, for example, 2:1 (100 minutes:50 concurrent tests), then you are using a lot of minutes to run very few tests. You should redesign your tests to take greater advantage of concurrency. See Using Frameworks to Run Tests in Parallel and Managing Concurrency for more information.

Exporting Usage Data

You can export a .csv file that contains the usage information for selected accounts.

  1. In Sauce Labs, click ACCOUNT and then click Organization Management.

    Organization management navigation
  2. On the USERS tab, select the checkboxes of the users whose usage information you want to export.

  3. Next to USERS SELECTED, click the download button.

    Usage download button