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Getting Started with Orchestrate

Paid Add-On

This page outlines how to run your browser and mobile tests in Sauce Orchestrate.

What You'll Need


Make sure your organization is enrolled to use Sauce Orchestrate, otherwise you will encounter an error. If you are not enrolled, contact your Customer Success Manager or Support at

How It Works

Sauce Orchestrate utilizes container technology to package and run your tests in the Sauce Labs cloud.

To use Sauce Orchestrate:

  1. Package your test scripts and dependencies in a container Image. For more information, see Create a Container Image of Your Tests.
  2. Push that image to a remote registry accessible by Sauce Labs. For more information, see Push Image to a Docker Registry.
  3. Configure saucectl to run your image. For more information, see Configure saucectl.
  4. Use saucectl to run your tests in Sauce Orchestrate. For more information, see Run Tests Using saucectl.

We will be using the Sauce Labs Demo Java project to help walk through the steps.

Can I try it without creating my own project?

In order to make it easier to try Sauce Orchestrate on your own, we've prepared few examples for most popular languages and frameworks.

1. Create a Container Image of Your Tests

If you are already familiar with creating container images then there is nothing special about doing it for Sauce Orchestrate. However, if you are unfamiliar or would like a detailed walkthrough, see Building Docker Images page for a comprehensive guide on how to build an image.

Within the demo-java project you will find a sample Dockerfile, which is a file used to define the contents of your image:

# specify the base image to match your environment requirements
FROM maven:3.6.3-jdk-8
WORKDIR /workdir

# copy the project code
COPY . .

# install necessary dependencies
RUN mvn clean test; exit 0

With this Dockerfile created you can now tell Docker to build it.

# execute this command within the root of your project
docker build -t [docker_user]/demo-java-orchestrate-tutorial:0.0.1 .

You will need to replace [docker_user] with your registry username.

2. Push Image to a Docker Registry

In order for Sauce Labs to access your container image it must be accessible in a Docker registry. There are many available registries to choose from and Sauce Labs supports any registry using the standard Docker API. For this example we will use DockerHub.

This example pushes the image to a public registry for simplicity. We advise you use a private registry for any proprietary code.

docker push [docker_user]/demo-java-orchestrate-tutorial:0.0.1

You will need to replace [docker_user] with your registry username.

3. Configure saucectl

To run your tests on Sauce Orchestrate using the image you just created, you will use our developer friendly CLI tool called saucectl. If you do not have saucectl installed, see Using the saucectl CLI. saucectl version 0.136 or later is required to run Sauce Orchestrate.

In order for saucectl to understand how to run your project you must create a file called config.yml in .sauce located at the root of your project. The sample configuration for the demo Java project is located below.

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: imagerunner
region: us-west-1
- name: Desktop Tests
workload: webdriver
image: [docker_user]/demo-java-orchestrate-tutorial:0.0.1
# the command to run your tests
entrypoint: mvn -o test -pl best-practice -Dtest=DesktopTests
- "/workdir/best-practice/target/surefire-reports/*"

when: always
- "*"
directory: ./artifacts

The most important configuration options to take note of are the image and entrypoint. These tell Sauce Orchestrate the location of your image and which command should be used to run your tests respectively. For more information about the saucectl configuration options see saucectl Configuration.

4. Run Tests Using saucectl

Run the following command at the root of your project:

  saucectl run

You should then see saucectl output the status of your job in the command prompt. During the running of your tests you will see some important log statements.

You will see information about the version of saucectl, the name of the image being run, the unique identifier (runID) for this job, and the status update (Created -> Running).

Running version 0.136.0
09:46:40 INF Launching workers. concurrency=1
09:46:40 INF Starting suite. image=mikedonovan1987/sample-app-web-orchestrate:0.0.2 suite="Demo App Tests"
09:46:44 INF Started suite. image=mikedonovan1987/sample-app-web-orchestrate:0.0.2 runID=19595a78706f411abe3dad4dc7608d5f suite="Demo App Tests"
09:46:50 INF Suites in progress: 1
09:47:00 INF Suites in progress: 1
09:47:00 INF Status change. new=Running old=Created runID=19595a78706f411abe3dad4dc7608d5f

saucectl will wait for your tests to complete. You can check the Sauce Labs UI to see running tests as well. While your tests are running saucectl will output the following every couple of seconds

09:47:30 INF Suites in progress: 1

After your entrypoint command has finished saucectl will output the command logs from Sauce Orchestrate and download any artifacts from the container that you configured. The following is an example output.

[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 12, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 40.937 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-04-24T13:59:36Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

10:00:00 INF Downloading artifacts archive
10:00:02 INF Suites in progress: 0

Name Duration Status Attempts
✔ Desktop Tests 1m3s Succeeded 1
✔ All suites have passed 1m20s

Depending on the return code of your entrypoint command saucectl will finish with either a status Succeeded or Failure. Your test framework most likely already handles this for you but saucectl will fail if your entrypoint command returns with a non-zero exit code.