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Azure Active Directory

Single sign-on enables you to manage users and testers outside of TestFairy. Azure Active Directory stores a list of permitted users, testers, and passwords.

When SSO is configured into your account, the login page is replaced with a Login with sso button.

Adding an Enterprise App

  1. On the Home screen, click Azure Active Directory to open the Directory overview.
  2. From the menu options, select Enterprise Applications.
  3. Click +Add application.
  4. Select Non-gallery application, add an app name, and click Add.

Adding an SSO Login Option

  1. Return to the menu and select Single sign-on.
  2. Select SAML.
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit the Basic SAML Configuration - Identifier and Reply URL fields. Add to the Identifier field and to the Reply URL. Change acme to your own TestFairy subdomain.
  4. Download the XML file in the Federation Data. You need it later for uploading to your TestFairy Dashboard Security settings.

Adding Users to the Application

  1. Go to Users and Groups and click +Add User.
  2. In Add assignment, click the Users and groups line and select the user(s) you want to add from Users and groups. Once all users are added to the Selected items, click Select.
  3. To finish the action click Assign. The users are all now part of the application.

Adding SAML Details To TestFairy

  1. Go to your TestFairy account preferences and select Security.
  2. Open the XML file previously saved and copy its content to the ID Provider metadata field.
  3. Click on Update SAML ID Provider Metadata when done.
  4. After saving the configuration, you see a success message. Now, log out and make sure you can see the Login with Azure button when trying to log in.