Limitations for Cucumber.js with Playwright
Special Characters in Test Names
We recommend that you avoid the use of special characters when naming your tests. If your test name contains any special characters, your test may not run or its artifacts may not be visible in our platform.
Playwright 1.31.1 + Webkit + Sauce-Connect
When using Sauce-Connect, Webkit browser is unable to load any website that is hosted on the Internet. Local websites can still be loaded.
macOS 11 + Playwright 1.29+ + Webkit
Webkit is not working on macOS 11 since Playwright 1.29.0
Webkit + Windows
There is a known issue in Playwright that prevents some sites from loading in Webkit on Windows with the error SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK
. We recommend running your Playwright + Webkit tests on our Mac VMs by setting the platformName to either macOS 13
or macOS 12