Upload a new build to TestFairy using Fastlane. You can find your API Key in the TestFairy Settings page.
api_key: "...",
ipa: "./ipa_file.ipa",
comment: "Build #{lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER]}",
api_key: "...",
apk: "../build/app/outputs/apk/qa/release/app-qa-release.apk",
comment: "Build #{lane_context[SharedValues::BUILD_NUMBER]}",
Key | Description | Default |
api_key | API Key for TestFairy | |
ipa | Path to your IPA file for iOS | |
apk | Path to your APK file for Android | |
symbols_file | Symbols mapping file | |
upload_url | Upload API URL for TestFairy | |
testers_groups | Array of tester groups to be notified | [] |
comment | Additional release notes for this upload. Will be added to sent emails | No comment |
notify | Send email to testers | off |
timeout | Request timeout in seconds |
Lane Variables
Actions can communicate with each other using a shared hash lane_context, that can be accessed in other actions, plugins or your lanes: lane_context[SharedValues:XYZ]. The testfairy action generates the following Lane Variables:
SharedValue | Description |
SharedValues::TESTFAIRY_BUILD_URL | URL for the sessions of the newly uploaded build |
SharedValues::TESTFAIRY_DOWNLOAD_URL | URL directly to the newly uploaded build |
SharedValues::TESTFAIRY_LANDING_PAGE | URL of the build's landing page |
To show the documentation in your terminal, run
fastlane action testfairy
It is recommended to add the above action into your Fastfile, however sometimes you might want to run one-offs. To do so, you can run the following command from your terminal
fastlane run testfairy
To pass parameters, make use of the : symbol, for example
fastlane run testfairy parameter1:"value1" parameter2:"value2"
It's important to note that the CLI supports primitive types like integers, floats, booleans, and strings. Arrays can be passed as a comma delimited string (e.g. param:"1,2,3"). Hashes are not currently supported.
It is recommended to add all fastlane actions you use to your Fastfile.
You can review this action documentation and code on