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To automatically deply your Android or iOS Apps to TestFairy by using TeamCity, follow the steps below:

  1. On the TestFairy dashboard, navigate to the Preferences.

    open preferences
  2. On the Preferences, go to the API Key section and copy the API key.

    upload the key
  3. In TeamCity, add an environment variable as a New Parameter into the Build Configuration.

    build configuration
  4. Name the parameter env.TESTFAIRY_API_KEY and give it the value you copied from the TestFairy preferences page, and Save.

     add environment variable
  5. Add a Build Step to the Build Configuration you wish to deploy from.

    add build step
  6. Make sure to select a Command Line build step.

    command line build step

    Copy the following command into the Custom script text field:

    curl -F api_key=${env.TESTFAIRY_API_KEY} -F comment="TeamCity build" -F file=@android.apk

    Replace the -F file=@android.apk argument with a path to your own APK or IPA.

For a complete list of available options, visit the TestFairy Upload API documentation.