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Sauce Connect Proxy Configuration

The explicit way to launch a Sauce Connect Proxy tunnel is to run a single command line comprised of all flags and any optional flags you want to use to customize tunnel behavior. It's also possible to pass the same command-line arguments through a config file, and as environment variables. If you pass the same argument through multiple methods, the order of precedence is as follows (from highest to lowest):

  • command-line option
  • environment variable
  • YAML config file

Config File

The Sauce Connect Proxy config file may contain any CLI flag. It may also contain comments that could help make its content more readable, for example:

region: 'us-west'
username: 'janedoe-sauce'
access-key: 'xxxx-xxx-xxx'
# this is my log file for SC I use for Mac OS tests.
log-file: '/tmp/sc-mac.log'
# this is the tunnel I use for Mac OS tests
tunnel-name: 'my-macos'

Config File Reference

sc run config-file command's output below contains all the available options and their usage.

sc run config-file output


# --- Required ---

# access-key <UUID>
# Sauce Labs Access Key, you can get it from the User Settings page. For
# additional security, we recommend setting this as an environment variable.

# region <data center>
# Sauce Labs region name, ex. us-west or eu-central.

# tunnel-name <name>
# Name of the tunnel or tunnel pool. You can run tests using this tunnel by
# specifying the tunnelName value in your test capabilities.

# username <username>
# Sauce Labs username. For additional security, we recommend setting this as an
# environment variable.

# --- Options ---

# metadata <key=value>,...
# Custom metadata key-value pairs.

# shared <all>
# Share the tunnel within the same org unit. Only the 'all' option is currently
# supported.

# tunnel-pool <value>
# Denotes a tunnel as part of a high availability tunnel pool.
#tunnel-pool: false

# --- Tunnel traffic ---

# deny-domains [-]<regexp>,...
# Deny requests to the matching domains.

# direct-domains [-]<regexp>,...
# Forward matching requests to their origin server over the public internet.
# Requests that don't match "direct domains" will be forwarded to customer-side
# over the Sauce Connect Proxy connection. You can specify --direct-domains or
# --tunnel-domains, but not both.

# tls-passthrough-domains [-]<regexp>,...
# Pass matching requests to their origin server without SSL/TLS re-encryption.
# You can specify --tls-passthrough-domains or --tls-resign-domains, but not
# both.

# tls-resign-domains [-]<regexp>,...
# Resign SSL/TLS certificates for matching requests. You can specify
# --tls-resign-domains or --tls-passthrough-domains, but not both.

# tunnel-domains [-]<regexp>,...
# Forward matching requests over the Sauce Connect Proxy connection. Requests
# not matching "tunnel domains" will be forwarded to their origin server over
# the public internet. This is the recommended option for the best performance
# since it minimizes the expensive tunnelled traffic and uses it only for
# internal domains that are not publicly available. You can specify
# --tunnel-domains or --direct-domains, but not both.

# --- Proxy ---

# auth <username[:password]@host:port,...>
# Site or upstream proxy basic authentication credentials. The host and port can
# be set to "*" to match all hosts and ports respectively. The flag can be
# specified multiple times to add multiple credentials.

# header <header>
# Add or remove HTTP request headers. Use the format "name: value" to add a
# header, "name;" to set the header to empty value, "-name" to remove the
# header, "-name*" to remove headers by prefix. The header name will be
# normalized to canonical form. The header value should not contain any newlines
# or carriage returns. The flag can be specified multiple times. Example: -H
# "Host:" -H "-User-Agent" -H "-X-*".

# pac <path or URL>
# Proxy Auto-Configuration file to use for upstream proxy selection. It can be a
# local file or a URL, you can also use '-' to read from stdin. The data URI
# scheme is supported, the format is data:base64,<encoded data>.

# proxy [protocol://]host[:port]
# Upstream proxy to use for requests received from the Sauce Connect Server
# only. The supported protocols are: http, https, socks, socks5. No protocol
# specified will be interpreted as an HTTP proxy. If the port number is not
# specified, it is assumed to be 1080. The basic authentication username and
# password can be specified in the host string, e.g. user:pass@host:port.
# Alternatively, you can specify the credentials using the -a, --auth flag.

# proxy-localhost <allow|deny|direct>
# Setting this to allow enables sending requests to localhost through the
# upstream proxy. Setting this to direct sends requests to localhost directly
# without using the upstream proxy. By default, requests to localhost are
# denied.
#proxy-localhost: deny

# proxy-sauce [protocol://]host[:port]
# Proxy for requests to Sauce Labs REST API and Sauce Connect servers only. See
# the -x, --proxy flag for more details on the format.

# --- DNS ---

# dns-round-robin <value>
# If more than one DNS server is specified with the --dns-server flag, passing
# this flag will enable round-robin selection.
#dns-round-robin: false

# dns-server <ip>[:<port>]
# DNS server(s) to use instead of system default. There are two execution
# policies, when more then one server is specified. Fallback: the first server
# in a list is used as primary, the rest are used as fallbacks. Round robin: the
# servers are used in a round-robin fashion. The port is optional, if not
# specified the default port is 53.

# dns-timeout <duration>
# Timeout for dialing DNS servers. Only used if DNS servers are specified.
#dns-timeout: 5s

# --- HTTP client ---

# cacert-file <path or base64>
# Add your own CA certificates to verify against. The system root certificates
# will be used in addition to any certificates in this list. Can be a path to a
# file or "data:" followed by base64 encoded certificate. Use this flag multiple
# times to specify multiple CA certificate files.

# http-dial-timeout <duration>
# The maximum amount of time a dial will wait for a connect to complete. With or
# without a timeout, the operating system may impose its own earlier timeout.
# For instance, TCP timeouts are often around 3 minutes.
#http-dial-timeout: 10s

# http-idle-conn-timeout <duration>
# The maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle
# before closing itself. Zero means no limit.
#http-idle-conn-timeout: 1m30s

# http-response-header-timeout <duration>
# The amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing
# the request (including its body, if any).This time does not include the time
# to read the response body. Zero means no limit.
#http-response-header-timeout: 0s

# http-tls-handshake-timeout <duration>
# The maximum amount of time waiting to wait for a TLS handshake. Zero means no
# limit.
#http-tls-handshake-timeout: 10s

# --- API server ---

# api-address <host:port>
# The server address to listen on. If the host is empty, the server will listen
# on all available interfaces.

# api-basic-auth <username[:password]>
# Basic authentication credentials to protect the server.

# --- Logging ---

# log-file <path>
# Path to the log file, if empty, logs to stdout.

# log-http [api|proxy|control:]<none|short-url|url|headers|body|errors>,...
# HTTP request and response logging mode. Setting this to none disables logging.
# The short-url mode logs [scheme://]host[/path] instead of the full URL. The
# error mode logs request line and headers if status code is greater than or
# equal to 500.

# log-level <error|info|debug>
# Log level.
#log-level: info

Use Cases

We recommend using a configuration file in production environments.

  • Facilitates tracking tunnel configuration changes because they're all included in a single file.
  • Facilitates management of potentially long CLI options such as tunnel-domains and direct-domains.
  • Secures Sauce Connect Proxy credentials with tighter access control.

Using the Config File

To launch a tunnel using a config.yml file option.

  1. Create Sauce Connect Proxy config file in any location, for example: $HOME/sc/config.yml (%HOMEPATH%\sc\config.yml for Windows).
  2. Enter values for the properties you'd like to use.
  3. Use the --config-file flag to run Sauce Connect Proxy with your configuration file.
./sc run -c ~/sc/config.yml

Environment Variables

You can set via environment variables all Sauce Connect Proxy command-line options. Each option description includes the corresponding environment variable.

Use Cases

We recommend configuring options via environment variables in the following scenarios.

  • Sauce Connect Proxy command containing credentials may be exposed via process monitoring tools such as ps.
  • When running Sauce Connect Proxy in CI/CD environment to avoid clear-text logging your credentials.
  • Sauce Connect Proxy runs in a docker container, and a CI system (such as GitLab) supports secure environment variables.

Environment Variables For Security

The following flags may contain sensitive information:

We recommend using environment variables for these flags.

Environment VariableDescriptionCorresponding CLI Option
SAUCE_USERNAMESets your Sauce Labs username.--username
SAUCE_ACCESS_KEYSets your Sauce Labs access key.--access-key
SAUCE_AUTHSets site or upstream proxy basic authentication credentials.--auth
SAUCE_PROXYThe basic authentication username and password can be specified in the host string, e.g. user:pass@host:port.--proxy
SAUCE_PROXY_SAUCEThe basic authentication username and password can be specified in the host string, e.g. user:pass@host:port.--proxy-sauce
SAUCE_HEADERMay contain headers with sensitive information.--header
SAUCE_API_BASIC_AUTHContains an optional internal API server authentication.--api-basic-auth

Running Sauce Connect Proxy With Environment Variables

Follow the steps below to configure Sauce Connect Proxy using environment variables in your terminal.
  1. In your terminal window, set the following environment variables
    export SAUCE_USERNAME="your Sauce username"
    export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY="your Sauce access key"
    export SAUCE_REGION="<us-west|eu-central>"
    export SAUCE_TUNNEL_NAME="your tunnel name"
  2. Starting a new Sauce Connect Proxy does not require adding required flags.

You can persist Sauce Connect Proxy environment variables by adding them to one of your user environment configuration files, such as .bash_profile or .zshrc.

More Information