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Amazon SNS Integration with Backtrace

This guide will go through the steps necessary to integrate Backtrace with Amazon SNS.

There are two main steps for setting up Amazon SNS:

  • Create a topic
  • Set up the integration

Create a Topic

If you haven't already done so, create an Amazon SNS topic that will receive Backtrace notifications. For information on how to do this, see Amazon SNS - Create a Topic.

Also remember to Create Subscriptions to this topic.

Set Up the Integration

To set up the integration, first go to the Project Settings page for the project you want to add a integration for:

Then click Integrations in the left-hand menu, and the plus sign to create a new integration:

Select Amazon SNS and fill in the required settings:

  • Integration name
  • Topic name
  • Access key (make sure this user has permission to publish to the provided SNS topic)
  • Secret access key

Next: After filling in the integration-specific settings, proceed to Common Settings to finish configuring the integration.