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The Basic Key/Value Store Workflow

The Key/Value Store allows you to create temporary key/value pairs that can be accessed across different tests in your Organization. That means, you can create a key/value pair in test1 in projectA and use the value in test100 in projectZ.

What You'll Need

Basic Workflow: Set and Load Methods

In this example you will focus on setting and retrieving a value in the Key/Value Store.

  1. First, open the Composer and add the GET request.

    • Url - for example
    • Variable - for example products
    • Mode - for example json
    get request
  2. Click Save Changes.

  3. Click Add Child Component, then add the Request Header to the request.

    • Name - for example key
    • Value - for example ABC123
  4. Click Save Changes.

  5. Add the K/V Store component and then, Save Changes.

    • Action - for example Set
    • Key - for example prods
    • Data - for example products[0].name
    set method for K/V store component

    In this step, you set the Key/Value pair in the store. In this case, prods equals products[0].name, which evaluates to Baseball Cap.

  6. Next, add another K/V Store component.

    • Action - for example Load
    • Key - for example prods
    • Variable - for example kvprods
    load method for K/V store component

    In this step, you retrieve the Key/Value pair from the store. In this example, we assign the retrieved value to the variable kvprods.

  7. Click Save Changes.

  8. Add a Comment component and then Save Changes.

    • Comment - for example ${kvprods}

    This will print the value and you can ensure that the data is recovered successfully.

  9. The final result looks like:

    Final result
    - id: get
    - id: header
    name: key
    value: ABC123
    var: products
    mode: json
    - id: kv
    key: prods
    action: set
    object: products[0].name
    - id: kv
    key: prods
    action: load
    var: kvprods
    - id: comment
    text: ${kvprods}
  10. Run the test.

Push/Pop Workflow

In the next example, you will take a look at how Push and Pop methods work. Push and Pop are both array methods and behave as they normally do outside of this context: Push will append a value to the end of an array, and Pop will remove the last value in an array.

Step 1: Push

In this step, you will Push the data onto the array.

  1. First, open the Composer and add the GET request.

    • Url - for example
    • Variable - for example products
    • Mode - for example json
    get request
  2. Click Save Changes.

  3. Click Add Child Component, then add the Request Header to the request.

    • Name - for example key
    • Value - for example ABC123
  4. Click Save Changes.

  5. Add the K/V Store component.

    • Action - for example Set
    • Key - for example prods
    • Data - for example [products[0].color]
    set the key/value store

    This step assigns a key in the Key/Value Store to a value from the response payload. In this case, use color, which is an array.

  6. Click Save Changes.

  7. Next, add another K/V Store component.

    • Action - for example Load
    • Key - for example prods
    • Variable - for example kvprods
    load method for K/V store component

    In this step, you retrieve the Key/Value pair from the store. In this example, assign the retrieved value to the variable kvprods.

  8. Click Save Changes.

  9. Add a Comment component.

    • Comment - for example ${kvprods}

    The comment will print the value on the test report so you can see the change at the end of this workflow.

  10. Next, add a new K/V Store component.

    • Action - for example Push
    • Key - for example prods
    • Data - for example 999
    push method for K/V store component

In this step, you push the new data onto the end of the existing array. In this example, you push the integer 999 onto the prods array.

  1. Click Save Changes.

  2. Add a new K/V Store component.

    • Action - for example Load
    • Key - for example prods
    • Variable - for example kvprods
    push method for K/V store component

In this step, you load the modified data into the test from the Key/Value Store.

  1. Click Save Changes.

  2. Add a Comment component.

    • Comment - for example ${kvprods}

This will print the value so you can see the changes on the test report.

  1. Click Save Changes.

  2. Run the test.

    Test Report

The test report shows that you have pushed the number 999 onto the array stored in the key prods.

Step 2: Pop

In this step, you will remove the data with Pop.

  1. Add a new K/V Store component.

    • Action - for example Pop
    • Key - for example prods
    • Variable - for example popped
    pop method for K/V store component

    In this step, you provide the name of the key from the Key/Value Store (prods), and the name of the variable you would like to assign the popped value to (popped).


The Pop method removes the last value in an array and returns the value itself.

  1. Click Save Changes.

  2. Add a new K/V Store component.

    • Action - for example Load
    • Key - for example prods
    • Variable - for example kvprods

    In this step, you load the modified key from the Key/Value Store.

  3. Click Save Changes.

  4. Add a Comment component.

    • Comment - for example ${popped}

    This will print the popped value so you can see it on the test report.

  5. Click Save Changes.

  6. Add a Comment component.

    • Comment - for example ${kvprods}

    This will print the final state of the array in the K/V Store so you can see the changes on the test report.

  7. Click Save Changes.

  8. The second part of the test looks like:

    Final result
        - id: kv
    key: prods
    action: pop
    var: popped
    - id: kv
    key: prods
    action: load
    var: popped
    - id: comment
    text: ${popped}
    - id: comment
    text: ${kvprods}
  9. Run the test.

    Test Report

The report for the full workflow shows that you first assigned an array to the Key/Value Store with the Set method, then added a value to that array with Push, and then removed the value with Pop. Each time there's a change, you used Load to retrieve an updated value from the Key/Value Store. The last two comments show the final state of the array in the Key/Value Store and the popped value itself. The popped value will only be available in the scope of this test run. The array in the Key/Value Store will remain retrievable until 24 hours after its most recent modification.


Use Set, Push, and Pop to reset the timer. Load does not reset the timer.